Overcoming Jealousy

Overcoming Jealousy Subliminal

$10.99 MP3- $15.99 CD

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Stop Being Jealous

Stop being jealous- live your life, re write your thinking process, get help with self help subliminal by directly targeting your unconscious mind and helping you. With our subliminal you can Move Past Jealousy and a mp3 is only $10.99.

Stop Envy and Get Emotional Help

We are jealous creatures by nature. So are the Cats and other animals. We’re not talking envy here, but The Green Monster: Destroyer of a Trillion Relationships!

If you have a problem containing the beast within, you might do well to learn some relaxation, breathing and critical thinking techniques.

This will not be easy for the jealous type in a difficult situation. Deep thinking patterns developed over time, so you need to override them with new thinking. Insecurity and a partner that doesn’t help you erase these insecurities will make your jealousy worse.

There are people that do not understand what you are going through- and you might live with one that thinks that your jealousy is unsupported but does nothing to reassure you. You might be right to be jealous- but it does you no good, it just makes you depressed, afraid, and unhappy.

You can choose to live in your dark world – and no matter what ever is meant to happen it will happen or you can erase all your fears, build new thought patterns and live the life at fullest.

Look around you- there are lots of people that were betrayed- some were living in the state of mind you are living and once the cheater went out of their lives they felt relief. Was not so bad as they thought and the jealousy did not help either. Use subliminal audio every day to win this internal battle. It will be great to be free! And great for your partner, too.

Jealousy is an extremely negative emotion. In fact, this is one such emotion or feeling that can actually take a toll on your relationships, behavior and even your health and productivity. So, it is needless to say that you need to keep this feeling at bay always. However, in real life, this is certainly a very tough job, especially if you are someone who has a jealous side of personality anyway. But if you start listening to subliminal messages regularly, you will be able to deal with jealousy quite easily.

  • Do you feel jealous when your partner is talking to someone attractive?
  • Do you find it difficult to believe when your partner or the significant other says that they are caught up at work?
  • Do you come up with different scenarios in mind out of jealousy and inflict an enormous amount of emotional pain on yourself?
  • Are you misbehaving with your partner as well as the people around you because of the scenarios that you are imagining and feeling jealous of?

If your answer is yes to any of these, it is high time you deal with this negative emotion before it starts affecting every positive thing in your life. Jealousy is basically the negative emotion that can actually come up with a “self-fulfilling prophecy” which eventually hurts you even more. It is an emotion that you cannot explain to anyone. An unsupportive or unaware partner can make the matter even worse as it will enhance your jealousy even more. However, if you start listening to subliminal messages, you will be able to deal and manage with the jealousy and prevent it from causing irreversible damage.

How Subliminal Messages Can Help Control Jealousy

  • Your mind has become habituated with old pattern thoughts that have always got boosted with your jealousy. Now, with the help of subliminal messages, you will be able to rewrite the thoughts in a new pattern. It will help you recognize that the old thought pattern doesn’t serve any purpose for you. It will help you reprogram your subconscious mind and think in a positive way.
  • Deep down we feel jealous because of our own deep-rooted issues. Maybe you have low self-esteem. Or maybe you have a horrible experience in the past which is taking a toll on your present relationship or communication. But as you are not doing anything good for your present life or state of mind, it is necessary that you change your way of thinking. You can get rid of deep-rooted issues, negativities, and past experiences. The subliminal message will help you with that.
  • When there is a lack of trust, you develop insecurities. When you are listening to subliminal messages regularly, you will be able to develop a bond of trust with your partner. As a result, getting rid of your insecurities won’t be an issue anymore.

So, now as you know how subliminal messages can reprogram your mind and help you get rid of your jealousy, what are you waiting for? Place your order for subliminal MP3s and CDs now and have a healthy relationship without the green-eyed monster called jealousy.


Stop Jealousy Affirmations:

I release jealousy and embrace a mindset of trust and abundance in my relationships. I am secure within myself, knowing that I am deserving of love and loyalty. I choose to focus on my own growth and happiness instead of comparing myself to others. I celebrate the successes and joys of others without feeling threatened or envious. I replace jealousy with gratitude, appreciating the blessings and opportunities in my own life. I trust in the authenticity and loyalty of my partner, allowing our bond to flourish.I let go of past experiences that fueled jealousy, allowing myself to heal and move forward.I communicate openly and honestly with my partner, fostering trust and understanding.I cultivate self-confidence and self-worth, knowing that I bring value to any relationship. I am secure in the love and connection I share with my partner, freeing myself from jealousy's grip. I acknowledge that jealousy is rooted in fear, and I choose to face and overcome my fears.I practice self-compassion and self-care, nurturing my own happiness and well-being.I embrace vulnerability, allowing myself to be open and trusting in my relationships.I release the need for control, understanding that trust and love thrive in freedom and autonomy.I replace jealousy with curiosity, seeking to understand and support my partner's experiences.I choose to believe in the goodness of others, giving them the benefit of the doubt.I focus on cultivating a strong sense of self-esteem, recognizing my own worthiness of love and respect.I let go of comparison and appreciate the unique qualities that make me special.I practice mindfulness, redirecting jealous thoughts and embracing gratitude in the present moment.I surround myself with positive and supportive relationships, uplifting my spirit and diminishing jealousy. I trust my intuition, allowing it to guide me in discerning healthy and loving connections. I replace envy with inspiration, using the successes of others as motivation for my own growth.I forgive past hurts and release resentment, freeing myself from the chains of jealousy. I choose to focus on building a foundation of trust and emotional security in my relationships. I express my needs and concerns with clarity and compassion, fostering open communication and understanding.


What You Will Receive

Purchasing MP3

  • Ocean Subliminal a track of 55-60 minutes
  • Silent Subliminal one track 55-60 Minutes

Purchasing CD

You will receive a CD with the track as following:

Music Subliminal CD - One track Music 55 Minutes and one track silent 10 minutes

  • Ocean Subliminal CD- One Ocean Track 55-60 minutes and one bonus Track Silent Subliminal 10 Minutes
  • Silent Subliminal CD- One Music Track 55-60 minutes

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