It’s a Subliminal World

As a start to this new season of Sprudio newsletters, let’s take a look at the phenomenon of subliminal stimuli. Many things that act subliminally upon our subconscious are quite accidental. For example, a phrase you hear on the radio or by chance in a nearby conversation strikes you as coincidence, because it fits perfectly with a dream you had recently (and would have forgotten). Numerous daily audio and visual inputs can act upon the subconscious in such a way as to give you the illusion of a psychic event – or at least get your attention. Next we have the intentional type of subliminal message that an advertiser, merchant or politician might make use of in a subtle way to influence your thinking (without your conscious knowledge). Largely deniable,…
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Global Stress, Corruption, Economies

Just at a time when most smokers are smoking more, it might be the best time to quit, ever. Instead of funding the things you did not create, or necessarily agree with, say NO to the extravagant taxes you are being bilked out of! Plus, the temptation to eat more or go shopping could be very powerful these days. We have a tendency to indulge in our more unproductive habits when stress levels rise, but these are the very things that we should avoid. Each of us would do well to become more disciplined, in control and autonomous (not a slave to our habits); with a little focused effort, we can learn to relax and find our center. A great goal might be to reject external pressures and stress, instead…
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Year Nearly Half Over!

Congratulations to our clients who have recently indicated such excitement about their success! For such a tiny investment, they chose to work on themselves at the subconscious level- for a possible lifetime of added value. This is nothing new to us, of course, but it's just great when our products help people and they tell us so. This year is flying past us at the speed of light. It reminds us that there is no time to lose in accomplishing the plans we made at the beginning of the year. Pretty soon it will be The Holidays again! And we are nowhere near our goals. Sometimes life can deal you some pretty tough cards, this is true for all of us. So we do our best, or maybe not always,…
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Using Technology Efficiently

It sure is easy to become overwhelmed in today's environment. It's hard to manage our time, our gadgets, our relationships or our homes. It can be impossible to keep track of our plans, commitments and finances. As our media choices help shape our perceived environment, so do outside influences affect our general views of reality. There is seemingly never enough time to get to the next level that we have envisioned for ourselves. Too many interruptions, changes in employment, the economy, the news (if you're paying attention) and just everyday life can combine to give us a sense of helplessness in controlling our own destinies. Thus, it becomes more and more critical for each of us to develop skills in the management of our own environments, health and happiness- to…
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Trust Yourself and Act for Success

"Who Moved My Cheese?" (Johnson, 1998) is a widely known motivational work written in a cute parable style. The writer is also known for co-authoring "The One Minute Manager" series. The books contain some good ideas about flexibility and motivation; however, "Cheese" is more of a managerial tool to keep employees scurrying around in the same old maze than a self-growth tool. If you're unfamiliar with it, find a synopsis here! I prefer the wit and philosophy of Ross Shafer (Nobody Moved Your Cheese, 2006), who takes a much more proactive stance in his motivational material. While blasting a number of known 'motivation experts' such as Anthony Robbins (and Dr. Laura), he has become one himself-  a really good one! Mr. Shafer understands that people are fed up with mediocre…
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Make it Fine in OH NINE

     It's that time again, the cycle continues. The holidays are over; except for The Superbowl, of course, and we can't really cut down on anything before that. Or can we? It depends on how you look at it, doesn't it? Why not make up your mind to change a few habits today or tomorrow? Eating habits, smoking, drinking, any of the usual vices we tend to tackle this time of year are fair game now!      Let's see, what else is there? Oh yeah, spending, budget, catching up on the To Do List, saving, learning, reading, practicing your music skills, fixing the plumbing, oil changes, maintenance, cleaning house or seeing your dentist. In a word, motivation! Any time is a good time to plan and act, but the beginning of…
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Sharp Clients Leading the Pack

Go to WEBSITE You would never expect such a product to be so well understood by those seeking it. Subliminal Audio? What is it, and why would anyone deliberately subject themselves to such a thing? First, to answer both questions, subliminal audio is a self-help tool. Sometimes people use this tool to help others (family members, clients, friends). There are many reasons that people (those who understand it) "subject themselves" to this mysterious technology. They know that their own subconscious mind can be holding them back from certain freedoms and successes, caused by repeated negatives that somehow crept in there over periods of time and situations beyond their control. We are fascinated by the power of the unconscious mind, and now we're becoming fascinated by the number of people…
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Issue #29: Weathering the Storm

If there was ever a time to get past fears, phobias and confidence issues, this is the time. As jobs are being lost, the economy is shaky and the future is most uncertain, opportunities for personal growth and focus seem rare. Is there ever a convenient time to push yourself to the next level? Probably not. It is always a motivated decision to improve. Right now may be the best time for actually doing it, though. Like the old saying goes, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going," there will likely soon be a major shift with regard to who wins and survives the turmoil, and who loses. What will be your role in the upcoming years of evident difficulty? Today, the U.S. Postal service announced a pending…
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Issue #27: Making it Through Difficult Economic Times

     We're living in some interesting, challenging times indeed. Prices are out of control! As families and individuals, we need to adopt some of the downsizing and cost-cutting practices of the corporations we work (or used to work) for. For example, there are some new inexpensive prepaid cellphones available for those who spend too much on their airtime. We're driving less, of course, and changing our eating habits as well. It's too bad for the restaurant businesses, but we consumers have lots of choices that are critical to our financial survival these days.      If you don't keep a budget, and your credit cards are maxed out, cut up or burned up, it's time to start keeping track of those unnecessary expenditures. Is there a 99 Cent store…
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Issue #26: Practicing What We Preach

Welcome to the new Sprudio Newsletter format! See, we are flexible and open to new ways of presenting our motivational and promotional material. This month we have broken through into a new, more dynamic environment for the presentation of subsequent newsletters. We are keeping the original 25 newsletters for your convenience; plus, a special links page for them is under construction. Business is all right, we are very excited to get new customers (every week) who are really happy with our product -and we plan to keep expanding our positive message for everyone. We can do better, however; the costs of doing business and living are difficult and challenging. We are not raising our prices; instead, we are working hard to communicate the knowledge of our existence and dedication to…
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