Issue #26: Practicing What We Preach

Welcome to the new Sprudio Newsletter format! See, we are flexible and open to new ways of presenting our motivational and promotional material. This month we have broken through into a new, more dynamic environment for the presentation of subsequent newsletters. We are keeping the original 25 newsletters for your convenience; plus, a special links page for them is under construction.

Business is all right, we are very excited to get new customers (every week) who are really happy with our product -and we plan to keep expanding our positive message for everyone. We can do better, however; the costs of doing business and living are difficult and challenging. We are not raising our prices; instead, we are working hard to communicate the knowledge of our existence and dedication to more people.

Some people are skeptical about subliminal audio, others are convinced that it’s a rip-off or scam, and still others are just resistant to actually trying it for themselves (they don’t think it would be worth the effort). Unfortunately, previous (plus some current) producers of self-help audio have tainted the public view of our industry by less-than-honorable practices. For example, we encountered some feedback from another company in which the subliminal content was accidentally found to be identical to a different title, one that the buyer already had purchased- and their price was more than double that of ours.

Please rest assured of our honesty and dedication to our clients. You can access some of our feedback, which is 100% genuine and verifiable, on our “Feedback Weblog” listed inside the blogroll at left, if you wish. Feedback is listed by month, on the left over there.

You can join our army of happy customers easily and cheaply, to be frank, and with virtually no risk. We recently had a couple of potential clients who, in their haste, entered the wrong return email addresses while purchasing instant downloads. They became anxious and thought that we were less than honest; there was no instant return verification! When we discovered this, we of course told them what had happened. To them, and others like them, we would like to say “Don’t give up! Go with your first impression and give us another chance!” Our greatest achievement has been the success of our many happy clients who have experienced a huge relief, a transformation if you will, all because we are so dedicated to the individual customer -for so little money. How many others can say that and mean it?

Anyhow, this issue #26 is the first in this venue; future editions will be different and diverse just like the first 25 were. And we will keep updating this area regularly in order to keep the interest and help as many people as possible.

Thanks again for reading,

P.S. Subliminal audio really works if the following two conditions are met: the product is genuine, and the end user really wants to improve. Play your subliminal tracks and CD’s often for best results.

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