Sharp Clients Leading the Pack


You would never expect such a product to be so well understood by those seeking it. Subliminal Audio? What is it, and why would anyone deliberately subject themselves to such a thing? First, to answer both questions, subliminal audio is a self-help tool. Sometimes people use this tool to help others (family members, clients, friends). There are many reasons that people (those who understand it) “subject themselves” to this mysterious technology. They know that their own subconscious mind can be holding them back from certain freedoms and successes, caused by repeated negatives that somehow crept in there over periods of time and situations beyond their control.

We are fascinated by the power of the unconscious mind, and now we’re becoming fascinated by the number of people who seem to be well aware and informed concerning its practical mechanics! An amazing number of Sprudio customers are willing to admit (to us, anyway) that they could do better with regard to their own inner belief systems. This is not something that you normally broadcast to your coworkers or sports team-mates! Self-help is usually a quite private matter. But here in the studio we hear all kinds of stories and anecdotes about how subliminal audio has made a difference in people’s lives.

So even if you’re not familiar with the technology or ever considered such a strange tool for yourself, do some reading about it if you get a chance (or might be curious). This is an invitation to shop and compare, as well. In our few years of existence, to date, thousands have now participated in the Sprudio Experiment and the ones we hear back from (over 70%!) have varying degrees of success to share, as expected. We are glad to have helped so many, hundreds in fact; in permanent, significant successes. We don’t post all feedback, however we do save it; and it is really impressive and rewarding to have helped such a fine group of open minded, critical thinkers. Thanks again for choosing us in your quest for continuous improvement.

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