Make it Fine in OH NINE

     It’s that time again, the cycle continues. The holidays are over; except for The Superbowl, of course, and we can’t really cut down on anything before that. Or can we? It depends on how you look at it, doesn’t it? Why not make up your mind to change a few habits today or tomorrow? Eating habits, smoking, drinking, any of the usual vices we tend to tackle this time of year are fair game now!
     Let’s see, what else is there? Oh yeah, spending, budget, catching up on the To Do List, saving, learning, reading, practicing your music skills, fixing the plumbing, oil changes, maintenance, cleaning house or seeing your dentist. In a word, motivation! Any time is a good time to plan and act, but the beginning of the year is a clean starting point for most of us. It’s like we’re starting with a clean slate. A new lease on life, if you will.
     We know, getting motivated is easy; sadly, staying motivated can be brutal! We get discouraged, tired, beaten by life. We fall back into familiar behaviors and say “What’s the use” sometimes. Here’s some good news: You are not alone; everyone goes through these same types of trials, and thousands prove all the time that it really is possible to break any cycle and succeed! And here it is in front of us, another chance for a new beginning! Even if you slip a little, stick it out this time and work your plan in 2009 more than ever before. If you do, you’ll be proud of your accomplishment forever; and the lasting effects will carry you to even better successes, because then you’ll be hooked on accomplishment!
     What will it hurt to try? Many will make a new plan, an effort to rise above the unacceptable things lurking around from last year. Some will succeed, some will succeed wildly, and some will fail. But at least they all tried. Very few of those who do not try will make any significant gain. And instead of trying, look at it as actually doing it- because by definition, trying indicates a tendency to give up or fail. It really is tied to how you look at it; so again, make up your mind for success! We can help you get and stay motivated through subliminal audio by communicating directly with your subconscious mind. Many others have done it, and continue to do it- and so can you!

Best of Luck and Happy New Year,



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