Raise Your Joy Frequency With Subliminal

Raise Your Joy Frequency With Subliminal

Regain Your Joy and Happiness Being always happy and having peace of mind without worrying about what the future holds for you, it might sound surreal to you. But when you want to be an achiever in life, it is necessary that you always remain joyful and happy. Well yes, being happy is necessary as it allows positive changes in your life while taking your vibration up and positive. So, if you are wondering how you can be happy in your life always, you are in the right place. Do you want to be happy but it is the sad things in your life that often cloud your mind and make you unhappy? Do you find it difficult to remain positive in your life when your anxiety and negative thoughts…
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Are subliminal Messages Good or Bad? Let’s Find the Truth

Are subliminal Messages Good or Bad? Let’s Find the Truth

Are subliminal Messages Good or Bad? Let’s Find the Truth “Your ‘I can’ is more important than your IQ.” Robin Sharma, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Our life offers us infinite opportunities to expand ourselves and to achieve our dreams and/or desires. But at the same time, the same life takes us in different situations and makes us face the most unfortunate events, which in return, will shape our belief system, the way we function in society, and two words: OUR LIFE. Being normal human beings, we react to those situations time and again. And when the subconscious sees a similar pattern repeating itself, it creates a known feeling on feels comfortable. This is why some people like to be miserable all the time, they do not know how…
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How to Succeed using Self Improvement

Outside the Box
Is there something that you would really love to achieve or get out of life, right now this very moment? It may be a goal that seems to hard to achieve or impossible in some way. Yet, some people do achieve measurable results in improving themselves, and you can too. All that is needed is some knowledge and a plan. Here is the way to succeed in self improvement. Decide Your Ideal life What do you want to achieve? If you could have the best day of your life and it was by no means impossible, what would that best day look like? Maybe you would like to work with children, or be an artist of some sort, or maybe you enjoy a particular hobby. Whatever the lifestyle is, go…
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Artificial Meditation

As if in a dream, you and another person are walking toward an indistinct group of people. The two of you are like-minded in your mission, whatever it may be. You play the roles of observer and participant simultaneously as the scene plays out. Faces appear to be smiling; your vision narrows into an odd, shiny-edged tunnel as you feel that there are hundreds of eyes fixed on you. Why is everyone so happy? You feel light, uplifted and free as never before! An unexplainable, overwhelming state of well-being and delight lingers for a little while. Then the music fades, and you remember to go back to work. So in a mild, refreshed daze, you eject the CD from the car stereo, stow the lunch remnants and step out, stretching.…
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Health Care Madness

It's a pretty sad state of affairs. Almost as if they don't want us healthy! Who are "They?" Well that is complicated and political. This is not a political forum. It is, however, a newsletter related to the health care industry and its failures. There is a huge self-help revolution going on, and it is from necessity. If we are healthy, we cannot fall into the system prematurely. We can be happier and lead productive lives, it only makes sense. As we learn, it becomes critical to change our habits. We need to clean ourselves out and watch what we eat and ingest. Human nature makes this difficult. That is where the use of subliminal audio comes into play. It is a tool that has proven to be very effective…
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Be Positive is More than a Blood Type

Transform Your Life With Positive Thinking Doesn’t it seem hard to make your dreams come true at times? It seems that you get a positive idea and you even start taking some steps toward its fulfillment. Then, the next thing you know, you are off course and depressed again. It may seem arbitrary, but success is like a science. Believe it or not, there are predictable factors that affect the success rate that people have and these factors involve positive thinking. This article explains three positive practices that can transform your life with positive thinking. Associate With Positive People In many ways, people make their own luck. This occurs through the unparalleled power of their belief systems. It is crucial to take a look at the people you are surrounding…
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Global Stress, Corruption, Economies

Just at a time when most smokers are smoking more, it might be the best time to quit, ever. Instead of funding the things you did not create, or necessarily agree with, say NO to the extravagant taxes you are being bilked out of! Plus, the temptation to eat more or go shopping could be very powerful these days. We have a tendency to indulge in our more unproductive habits when stress levels rise, but these are the very things that we should avoid. Each of us would do well to become more disciplined, in control and autonomous (not a slave to our habits); with a little focused effort, we can learn to relax and find our center. A great goal might be to reject external pressures and stress, instead…
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Non-standard Newsletter

No frills, no banner, no philosophy this time around; however, a little straight talk might be in order (just to fill the gap). We are seeing a definite spike in look-alikes, start-up "businesses" claiming to be self-help experts who are selling a number of products including audio such as you might find within the Sprudio.net environment. Rule no. One: Relax. Don't be afraid, we are still here to help with your subliminal audio needs even if the environment appears to be cheapened at times. When the dust finally settles, we'll be here. We'll always be here to answer your questions and provide you with our genuine quality product. Remember, just because someone may understand the concepts involved in the creation of self-help material, write well, or produce convincing ad copy…
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Issue #26: Practicing What We Preach

Welcome to the new Sprudio Newsletter format! See, we are flexible and open to new ways of presenting our motivational and promotional material. This month we have broken through into a new, more dynamic environment for the presentation of subsequent newsletters. We are keeping the original 25 newsletters for your convenience; plus, a special links page for them is under construction. Business is all right, we are very excited to get new customers (every week) who are really happy with our product -and we plan to keep expanding our positive message for everyone. We can do better, however; the costs of doing business and living are difficult and challenging. We are not raising our prices; instead, we are working hard to communicate the knowledge of our existence and dedication to…
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You’ll Never Know if you Don’t Try

Newsletter #19 is special- it contains a very specific description of the differences between hypnosis and self-help subliminal audio tracks & CD's, plus a few key reasons why you might want to try one of the above for self-improvement or performance enhancement- at work, or for your personal satisfaction. Remember, one of our most popular titles is "Success & Wealth" because mindset is everything when it comes to becoming financially successful. Our sister blog (to this one), listed in "Blogroll" to the left, contains a nice cross-section of the feedback we have received since opening our doors about two years ago- it's hard to keep up, we get so much excellent feedback from everyone, and we really appreciate it. On that particular weblog you can access feedback by month, in…
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