Are subliminal Messages Good or Bad? Let’s Find the Truth

Are subliminal Messages Good or Bad? Let’s Find the Truth

“Your ‘I can’ is more important than your IQ.”
Robin Sharma, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Our life offers us infinite opportunities to expand ourselves and to achieve our dreams and/or desires.

But at the same time, the same life takes us in different situations and makes us face the most unfortunate events, which in return, will shape our belief system, the way we function in society, and two words: OUR LIFE.

Being normal human beings, we react to those situations time and again. And when the subconscious sees a similar pattern repeating itself, it creates a known feeling on feels comfortable.

This is why some people like to be miserable all the time, they do not know how to feel happy and the subconscious refuses happiness because is a strange concept for it. 

When you are in such a situation, it becomes quite easy to fall prey to the hand of negativity.

Now, when you fill your life with a lot of negativity, any positive incident stops happening to you, even when they are supposed to.

It is during this time, you have to change your thought pattern.

 You have to come in sync with your mind so that you can get back the positive thinking that will attract more positivity in your


Subliminal and Law of Attraction

They say like attracts like. So, when you are talking and thinking about “something” all the time, it attracts that “something”, almost like a magnet attracts everything that is metal, rusted or not. 

Now, if you are constantly thinking of something that is negative and letting all your insecurities out in the universe, it will affect your life immensely.

This mindset will attract all the negativity you are thinking of consciously or unconsciously. 

The things that you are insecure about, and the parts where you lack confidence will keep on appearing in your life repeatedly. 

You might wonder why you are becoming the victim of all the unfortunate things. 

But it is actually your thoughts that are attracting misfortune more and more. The more you think, the more powerful that negative thought become.

In such a situation, when something seems to go always  wrong, reprogramming your subconscious to bring back positive outcomes, become necessary. 

It is almost rewiring your brain so that you will think only positively and thus attract all the positivity in life. 

From your health to your desired partner, from your fortune to getting rid of the addiction, you can achieve any goal you want with the help of your subconscious mind.

And your subconscious mind all it needs is a regular, and constant reminder through positive affirmation. 

With those positive affirmations, the subconscious mind will produce positive energy that will find sync with the universal energy, and that combined force will bring you a new positive outcome.

 Now, while you are doing this reinforces in a positive way, you might need help to keep your thoughts in check, and this is where the use of subliminal becomes indispensable, your conscious mind is too attuned with the known pattern of negativity, subliminal will erase those thoughts. Subliminal is an amazing tool. It works in the background, erasing old habits and replacing them with new ones.

What are Subliminal Messages?

Liminal from the Oxford dictionary is the state of occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold. 

Everything in the liminal stage is legible to the conscious mind. SUB-liminal is just below that. 

What makes subliminal amazing is that it directly penetrates our subconscious, crossing the conscious mind (the one that is always at work when you are awake), crosses the critical mind (the one that filters all the information you are receiving during the day), and arrives to destination in your subconscious mind (that resides in primitive mind), unaltered. 

If you listen to subliminal that tells you LIFE IS GREAT, the conscious mind, and critical mind, are bypassed and Life is Great is sent to the subconscious mind.

Subliminal messages can be visual or audio.

Video Subliminal There is software that will flash subliminal messages on the screen. Those messages are selected by you and you are supposed to watch that screen for the duration of the subliminal video. 

Audio subliminal messages:

They are the best because you can do anything you want, sound travel anywhere, so all you have is open your ears and listen to subliminal messages.

Skepticism about Subliminal

It has been decades since the first skepticism about subliminal appeared. Since the range and sphere of the subconscious mind are almost unknown as well as unexplored, it is easy to be skeptical about its potential. 

Many scientists wanted to rule out the power of the subconscious mind.

However, with more and more studies and research, it has been proved that the subconscious mind has extreme potential to make things happen   when you are following the right ways and using the right tools for positive affirmation. 

So, you can safely say that the subliminal messages can really help you in reprogramming your mind.

Benefits of Subliminal Messages

Subliminal messages offer a huge benefit when it comes to a positive outcome. 

When you are consciously trying to affirm positively, there are many techniques you have to use. You have to keep thinking positively and consciously. For a mind plagued with anxiety and depression can be quite a difficult task.

You will also have to make sure that you are seeing the positive affirmation everywhere you look. 

When it comes to subliminal, you don’t have to put all those extra efforts. 

When you are watching the TV or listening to music or even white noise, the subliminal will directly penetrate your subconscious. 

This means your conscious mind won’t have to put in the extra effort to make sure that you are thinking always positively.

You can play subliminal in the background and forget about it.

Subliminal is not about making you believe that you don’t want to believe in. It is not something that will attract the unthinkable overnight. 

Rather subliminal messages are like the best friends you can have in your life, a friend that keeps you positively encouraged, and affirms that you can achieve what you desire. 

It will not bring everything you wish for in a few months, but rather in a few years. But it will set the path toward success and will make you gain the willpower to achieve what you want or desire.

You will ask, why subliminal and not audio affirmation, the one that I can hear and repeat myself?

Studies have been done, that positive affirmations that you just repeat without truly believing in, do not work, plus the right environment, lots of precious time, and peace of mind are necessary. 

We live busy lives, we live in the city with noise and annoyances, and we are not at top of the mountain having endless time to meditate and say mantras.

 But when you are listening to subliminal messages, you don’t need such an environment. Rather the affirmation can happen anywhere or everywhere.

 Maybe you are working or walking down the street, sleeping or working on your computer, it doesn’t matter really. 

During this time subliminal messages can play in the background, working their magic. 

It is well known by now that is highly powerful because will directly send the affirmations to your subconscious mind without your conscious hard work.

However, subliminal messages are not magic. It is rather up to you what you want to achieve, desire, reach, or improve. 

The main control is still in your hand; you can decide what you want. 

Once you get the complete clarity of your wishes and make up your mind, only then subliminal messages can work to their full potential. 

And for the results to show, having faith is also necessary.

 If your mind is full of negativity if you hardly believe in what you desire, and if you are too afraid to even open the gateway, no matter what message you use, the result will always be negative. So, have faith in the Law of Attraction and attract what you desire.

Don’t manifest your insecurities. And trust the power of your subconscious mind

So now we arrive at the question: 

Are subliminal messages Good or Bad?

 The answer is YES and No.

Subliminal messages are good when they are created to enrich your life. 

If you ordered a subliminal that is positively crafted, the affirmations are disclosed, the owner of the website is a real person that you can talk with – and answers your email, then YES subliminal is Good.

But if you download from an obscure source like Tick Tock and Youtube, and you do not know what is inside of it, subliminal can be bad.

It can manipulate your fears and worries, and just magnifies them. Subliminal can never make you do something you are not yet ready to do, but we all have fears and worries and unscrupulous minds pray on it.

Why do they do it? For the same reason scammers, scams, and spammers

spam your email. Fear is the best way to make money. It says that fear and sex sell. When you are afraid and instead to feel better you are more and more going deep the rabbit hole, I am guessing you will pay any price for the piece of mind And scammers know how to take advantage of that.

Image offered by Alex Blajan

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2 thoughts on “Are subliminal Messages Good or Bad? Let’s Find the Truth

    • Certain subliminal made for kids only are safe of course, however, don’t forget that the kids are just in growing stage whatever you fill their minds with at this age will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
      Sprudio subliminal should not be used to manipulate a kid, but asked for his consent and then played, like the ADHD, or learning habits ones. Also, the kid should be a teenager rather than a kid of 5 years old. We do not recommend for young kids .

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