End Social Anxiety

Get Rid of Social Anxiety Subliminal

$10.99 MP3- $15.99 CD

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Get Rid Of Social Shyness

Program your brain subliminally to help you sell yourself to others. When going to an interview or a business meeting, you want to be convincing. Our subliminal program can help you become a confident person by using powerful positive affirmations, hypnotic suggestions, and empowering subconscious messages.

Through repetition, our program feeds your subconscious with positive affirmations that are transformed into subliminal messages, allowing for effective reprogramming at a core level. Start with a subliminal download for only $10.99.

Eliminate Fear of Being In Groups

Get Rid of Social Anxiety Fast with Subliminal. Positive affirmations will help you get rid of your social anxiety.

If you feel yourself always with desire to avoid social gathering, or working in groups is OK.

You need friends!!!

You need to feel good in presence of others. Social Anxiety is bad for your mental health.

Stop being worried, about what people think about you, or how they see you. Be yourself.

End Social Anxiety.

Stop that rapid heartbeat you have when entering in a room full of people. People are supposed to be together with other people. You probably have a lot to offer and anyone will be happy to have you as a friend or be near you.

Social anxiety is also another sign of anxiety and stress disorder. Reluctance in facing social event, feeling the fear of losing control or becoming too conscious in social situations can be a huge sign that you have anxiety.

Social anxiety is likely more prevalent today than in the past! What? Even with the internet?

Precisely. Even with the internet, which enables us to effectively hide from the entire human race if we so choose!

Where social interaction used to be a necessity, technology is making this less and less so. We might communicate well on a cellular level, aka texting and such; but alas, we are missing out on the personal touch and live interpersonal relationship skills! We spend so much time alone on our “social” media, that we can sometimes forget how to act in an actual social gathering!

Of course there are also those who never really adapted well to social interactions or settings. This product addresses the inner thinking associated with healthy social skills and mindset. It is not meant to affect addictions to internet or devices.

Our subliminal recording attempts to relax you for live social interactions with others. You may soon actually be anxious for real human contact!

It’s great! Step out of the box and dare to share ideas in real time, with real people! LOL! Please send us your honest feedback for this product if you can. We’ll keep your information confidential, as always.

Positive affirmations and empowering messages will work together to help you overcome your social anxiety and feel confident in the presence of others.

Social anxiety can have a negative impact on your mental health and overall well-being. It's time to stop worrying about what others think of you and start being yourself.

Our program will help you end social anxiety and stop that rapid heartbeat you feel when entering a room full of people.

With technology allowing us to hide from the entire human race, it's no wonder social anxiety is more prevalent today than ever before.  However, our program is designed to address the inner thinking associated with healthy social skills and mindset. It's not meant to address addictions to the internet or devices.

Our subliminal recording will help you relax and feel comfortable in live social interactions with others.

Soon, you may find yourself looking forward to real human contact! Step out of the box and dare to share your ideas in real time with real people. Try our subliminal program today and start living life to the fullest. We value your honest feedback, and as always, your information will be kept confidential.

Don't let social anxiety hold you back from living your life to the fullest.

Sprudio's subliminal program is designed to help you overcome social anxiety and regain control of your life.

Positive affirmations will work deep within your subconscious mind to boost your confidence and self-esteem, while hypnotic suggestions and empowering messages will help you let go of negative thought patterns and behaviors. Social anxiety can make it difficult to form new friendships and connect with others.

It's important to address this issue for your own mental health and well-being.

Subliminal Recordings will help you relax and feel comfortable in social situations, allowing you to be your true self and build meaningful relationships. Whether you're preparing for an interview, attending a social gathering, or just looking to improve your social skills, our subliminal program can help.

By reprogramming your subconscious mind with positive affirmations and messages, you can become a confident, outgoing, and social person. So don't let social anxiety hold you back any longer.

Try our subliminal program today and start living the life you deserve.  We believe in the power of our program and are confident that you'll see results in no time. Join the thousands of others who have successfully overcome social anxiety with our help.

Social Anxiety Subliminal Affirmations

I enjoy being in places where I meet new people. I like people. I make friends easily because I enjoy the presence of others. I like socializing and dining out. I feel comfortable writing and working in front of others. I get a wonderful feeling from being the center of attention. I enjoy interacting with people. I like going to parties. I am a confident person. I know I am loved and appreciated. I ask questions and I receive always pertinent answers. I am using public facilities with confidence. I talk on the phone with friends. I am making friends easily. I speak in public. I speak at parties. I am flattered when people ask me to join their conversations. I seek people's presence. I am looking for new ways to meet people and socialize with them. I am healthy and happy. I appreciate my life and my friends. I feel confident in any situation. I am feeling in control. I control my thoughts. I am taking control of my life. I am relaxed and confident. I feel safe and secure. I feel good being myself. I am at peace with myself. I believe in myself. I am more and more confident every time I play this recording. I am always developing my network of friends. I work to build my network and stay in contact with everyone as appropriate. I am open to meet new people. I like to initiate conversations. I like meeting others in public. I am interacting easily with strangers. I am outgoing. I am becoming more socially confident. I like meeting new people. I let go of my worries. I can effortlessly maintain eye contact. My confidence is high. I am calm, carefree and happy. (DO NOT COPY- Copyright www.sprudio.net)

What You Will Receive

Purchasing MP3

  • Ocean Subliminal a track of 55-60 minutes
  • Silent Subliminal one track 55-60 Minutes

Purchasing CD

You will receive a CD with the track as following:

  • Ocean Subliminal CD- One Ocean Track 55-60 minutes and one bonus Track Silent Subliminal 10 Minutes
  • Silent Subliminal CD- OneSilent Track 55-60 minutes

2 Reviews for Social Anxiety Subliminal


Brenda - January 22, 2023:

I tried your social anxiety subliminal recording and I feel free. In 2020, when I was only 19 years old and ready to face the world, unexpected events kept me indoors and made me feel introverted and scared to go out. Thanks to your subliminal program, my life is back to normal. I have reconnected with old friends and am once again able to enjoy social events. Maybe it was all in my mind, but I truly believe that your subliminal program helped me overcome my social anxiety.

Wendy - March 11, 2022:

I used to have social anxiety that I always avoid going to any parties or hide in a room while others had fun. But thanks to this subliminal program, I'm now the life of the party! Well, okay, maybe not quite, but at least I'm no longer the bathroom troll.
Now I can confidently attend social events without feeling like I'm going to puke or pass out. I'm even able to strike up conversations with strangers without feeling like I'm about to step on a landmine. Who knew that positive affirmations and empowering messages could be so effective? I'm just glad I can finally enjoy life without feeling like a socially awkward penguin.
So if you're like me and tired of being the awkward wallflower at every party, give this subliminal program a try. It's like a social lubricant for your brain, minus the hangover and regretful texts to your ex.

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