Methods to Improve Your Life

Methods to Improve Your Life

4 Other Methods to Improve Your Life [caption id="attachment_410" align="alignleft" width="300"] Improve your Life[/caption] The world can seem to be a competitive place at times. It is crucial to stay on top of your job and your family responsibilities. In order to do so, it is beneficial to practice some positive strategies. Your life can be improved so that it “works” better and you experience a deeper level of self joy and happiness. The following are four methods you can use to improve your life. Obtain Self Confidence Have you noticed that some people seem to be bursting with life, joy and self-confidence? Well, you can be one of them! Self confidence is such a powerful asset in any type of business or personal undertaking. If you find that you…
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Health Care Madness

It's a pretty sad state of affairs. Almost as if they don't want us healthy! Who are "They?" Well that is complicated and political. This is not a political forum. It is, however, a newsletter related to the health care industry and its failures. There is a huge self-help revolution going on, and it is from necessity. If we are healthy, we cannot fall into the system prematurely. We can be happier and lead productive lives, it only makes sense. As we learn, it becomes critical to change our habits. We need to clean ourselves out and watch what we eat and ingest. Human nature makes this difficult. That is where the use of subliminal audio comes into play. It is a tool that has proven to be very effective…
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It’s a Subliminal World

As a start to this new season of Sprudio newsletters, let’s take a look at the phenomenon of subliminal stimuli. Many things that act subliminally upon our subconscious are quite accidental. For example, a phrase you hear on the radio or by chance in a nearby conversation strikes you as coincidence, because it fits perfectly with a dream you had recently (and would have forgotten). Numerous daily audio and visual inputs can act upon the subconscious in such a way as to give you the illusion of a psychic event – or at least get your attention. Next we have the intentional type of subliminal message that an advertiser, merchant or politician might make use of in a subtle way to influence your thinking (without your conscious knowledge). Largely deniable,…
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Using Technology Efficiently

It sure is easy to become overwhelmed in today's environment. It's hard to manage our time, our gadgets, our relationships or our homes. It can be impossible to keep track of our plans, commitments and finances. As our media choices help shape our perceived environment, so do outside influences affect our general views of reality. There is seemingly never enough time to get to the next level that we have envisioned for ourselves. Too many interruptions, changes in employment, the economy, the news (if you're paying attention) and just everyday life can combine to give us a sense of helplessness in controlling our own destinies. Thus, it becomes more and more critical for each of us to develop skills in the management of our own environments, health and happiness- to…
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Non-standard Newsletter

No frills, no banner, no philosophy this time around; however, a little straight talk might be in order (just to fill the gap). We are seeing a definite spike in look-alikes, start-up "businesses" claiming to be self-help experts who are selling a number of products including audio such as you might find within the environment. Rule no. One: Relax. Don't be afraid, we are still here to help with your subliminal audio needs even if the environment appears to be cheapened at times. When the dust finally settles, we'll be here. We'll always be here to answer your questions and provide you with our genuine quality product. Remember, just because someone may understand the concepts involved in the creation of self-help material, write well, or produce convincing ad copy…
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Issue #26: Practicing What We Preach

Welcome to the new Sprudio Newsletter format! See, we are flexible and open to new ways of presenting our motivational and promotional material. This month we have broken through into a new, more dynamic environment for the presentation of subsequent newsletters. We are keeping the original 25 newsletters for your convenience; plus, a special links page for them is under construction. Business is all right, we are very excited to get new customers (every week) who are really happy with our product -and we plan to keep expanding our positive message for everyone. We can do better, however; the costs of doing business and living are difficult and challenging. We are not raising our prices; instead, we are working hard to communicate the knowledge of our existence and dedication to…
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Newsletter Archives

In the olden days, we used to add a new page for every newsletter. We saved all twenty-five (25) of those and linked them here so you can see the originals with all of their graphics, sounds, and even videos. At the bottom of each archived newsletter is a navigation bar to the other 24! Enjoy! Click Here
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