Are you Afraid to Age?

Are you Afraid to Age?

[caption id="attachment_335" align="alignleft" width="500"] Charles Deluvio ????[/caption] Overcoming the Fear of Aging Wow, she hasn’t aged very well. Or, I can fix those ugly bags under your eyes.  Lets’ put some Botox in those wrinkles. You’ve seen the results.  Uneven faces, weird huge lips. Foreheads smooth as a baby’s bottom.   Do you think the people who had those procedures intended to look so garish? Maybe, if enough people tell them how young they look, they will believe them. We see young beautiful faces around us all the time.  We are afraid to age.  What will happen to us?  Will we lose our friends?  Will people think we are ugly?  Will people look at us and think our best years are behind us? Does look older mean there are no more…
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