Are you Afraid to Age?

Fear of Aging
Charles Deluvio ????

Overcoming the Fear of Aging

Wow, she hasn’t aged very well. Or, I can fix those ugly bags under your eyes.  Lets’ put some Botox in those wrinkles. You’ve seen the results.  Uneven faces, weird huge lips. Foreheads smooth as a baby’s bottom.   Do you think the people who had those procedures intended to look so garish? Maybe, if enough people tell them how young they look, they will believe them.

We see young beautiful faces around us all the time.  We are afraid to age.  What will happen to us?  Will we lose our friends?  Will people think we are ugly?  Will people look at us and think our best years are behind us?

Does look older mean there are no more opportunities for us anymore? No more adventures?  What if you could look at aging as more freeing?

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” ~Mark Twain

Why We care about Aging?

We think about the loss of youth and how this will change us in the future. If we can accept the gift of aging, there are positive and wonderful ways we can embrace the process.

Time is the most treasured blessing we’ve got. We never have enough of it, and we will never get back what we have wasted.

When we are young, it feels like we have all the time in the world.  As we age, it seems to go faster and faster.  It seems as if we are always busy and don’t have enough time in the day.  We are so busy in fact that it stresses us out.

If we learned to shift our perspective in how we look at aging as just a number it becomes a gift of compassion.

Appreciate your Time when getting Older!

We create our reality through the way we think and the story we tell ourselves about our experiences.

When you grow old, there will be lots of opportunities to enjoy. You will have lots of time. You will do things you enjoy, travel, spend time with friends, practice new hobbies, and fill your surroundings with beautiful things.

You will have lots of time to do interesting things.

It can be a time of wisdom and experience.  It can be a little scary too because people are afraid they will suffer in some way or will become depressed when they retire, and their lives will have no meaning.

As someone ages and gets closer to retirement they wonder what they will say when someone asks them what they do for a living?  We seem to identify who we are with what we do instead of identifying what our truth is.  Aging gives us the perfect opportunity to identify and live our passion.

Since most of us will not be working in our old age, we will have time on our hands to find our happy place.  So many of us have had to spend our time in jobs that have not made us happy because we needed the money to survive. Thankfully, growing older means life doesn’t have to be all about the job.

What if life is all about being happy?

Wouldn’t that be awesome?  There are lots of activities that will bring us joy and fulfillment once we retire. Spending time with people because we want to. Learn to love yourself: mind, body, and soul.

Can you be old and beautiful?

I’ve seen some beautiful older women in my life. They were beautiful because they embraced life and had found joy in all the little moments of life.  It doesn’t mean that there is not sorrow but, I think they even found moments of peace in sorrow also.

What can older people do with their time?

As you age take time to find joy in nature.  Find time to walk in forests, mountains, beaches, or lakes. Be present, relax and breathe deep.

Find and connect with your spirituality. Be in touch with more than just your day-to-day routines and reality.  Meditate, pray, or through humbling personal experiences find something outside yourself to help you find meaning.

Develop your creativity whether it is writing, crafting, art, gardening, or in your relationships.  Feel that something greater fills you, and makes you richer and more beautiful.

Develop and maintain friendships connect to other people.  Let them know they are important to you and hopefully you will become important to them. Stay connected to family and friends on a regular basis by being with them in tough times and good times. Stand by them and show peace and love always.

Make a Difference as Mother Teresa of Calcutta used to say, “The world is hungry for our help and our love.” Animals, people, and the earth all need our service. Choosing the field we can best help in, we tap into our inner power and act to make a difference in life.

Build a legacy for your family.  Spend time with your kids and give them your attention, time, and gifts as you are able. Do projects together, whether it is cooking, planting trees, which will grow as they grow, do art projects, be part of a community organization.

Overcoming Fear of Aging
Overcoming Fear of Aging

Exercise your mind read and listen to others.  Our world is vast, and we can never know everything there is to know and understand.  Our lives can be so much richer if we can open ourselves up to other people and opinions that are not our own.  Who knows maybe we will even change our point of view.

Protect your health. We should all eat healthier from all the food groups.  Beautiful and colorful fruits and vegetables.  Limit sugar and white flour.  Small amounts of protein.  Eat in moderation and get some exercise. We need mental and physical stimulation.  We don’t have to be perfect.  Try to do the best you can.

Be beautiful always no matter what your age.

If you are interested in a subliminal CD or Mp3 to overcome fear of aging, please see our product pages.

Overcoming Fear Of Aging

Look 10 Years Younger

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