Regain Your Faith and Stop Being Angry on God

Faith has the power to move mountains. And the absence of it might create thousands of obstacles on your path.

  • When you are living life, the way is not easy.
  • You will face loss, pain, death and remorse.
  • You lose the people who are your dear ones.
  • Or you might get defeated again and again while trying to achieve success.

While going through these hardships, you might lose your faith in God. And then your life becomes even more difficult. Is there a way out of this vicious cycle?

The Idea of God

We all live in the world and carry on with our lives while holding onto faith. Some of us have faith in God. Some trust a universal power. Some of us believe in universal laws like the law of attraction.

Some belief in reason and the things that they can perceive. As you can see, faith is present. The idea of God or the almighty power can be varied. When life throws curveballs at you, you start wondering how this misery makes any sense. And this is when you doubt the power of God.

Losing Faith

Losing faith in God or becoming angry with him can happen for various reasons.

Your loss or failure can be the biggest instigator behind this. You go through the miseries that you never wanted in your life. Your struggles are much difficult than others around you.

Your misfortune is something constant or at least you believe that it is.

When facing such adversity in life, we tend to seek to resort to a higher power, God or the universe, whichever you might call it. But even after that, when things don’t get resolved, you become angry with God. You feel that your miseries make no sense and maybe God is not so benevolent towards you.

You become caught up in the cycle where you forget all the winnings you had in life and start thinking you have only lost so far. And the more you think about loss, as per the universal power, the more you lose. The more you focus on the negative, the more negativity you bring in life.

Becoming free from the shackles of disbelief and gaining your faith back is an important thing to do. No, this doesn’t guarantee that your sufferings will be gone magically. But having faith in God will help you become mentally stronger.

The knowledge that something greater is taking care of you offers mental peace. You start thinking that in the end, things will resolve for you. How to get back your faith in God? Take a look at the following ideas. You can also add some of your own to this list.

Counting Blessings

Maybe your life is miserable.

Maybe you don’t have the well-paying job that you deserve.

Or maybe your relationship with your partner is not working out.

Or maybe you are in a lot of debt and you cannot find a way to get out of it.

Or maybe you have lost someone dear to you.

But have you ever wondered how many blessings you still have?

Waking up every morning, having good health, having parents, spouse or kids around you to love and care for you, having food and a roof to sleep under, are the small blessings that can not only make you happy but also can give you hope.

When life is not treating you well and you are thinking that there is nothing hopeful, think about just one thing and find out how it will make you feel.

Gratitude Journaling

Having faith in God or any power needs practice.

You cannot just give control over something that you have never seen before.

That is why you need to practice faith. Faith can come from gratitude.

Gratitude is such a powerful emotion that it raises your vibration manifolds.

When you feel grateful, misery cannot find its way into your mind. Think about it.

You certainly have something in your life to be grateful for.

While everything is going wrong with you, at least one thing can be right.

Be grateful for that. And you can increase your gratitude by journaling.

Every night, before sleeping, write down the things that you are grateful for today. Sleep with this idea in mind. And in the morning, you will feel more hopeful.


Prayer has immense power. When you are praying, you don’t need to follow any decorum.

You don’t need to identify the power you are praying to.

You can just have an idea about something greater that is listening to you. And to that power, you can pray and surrender.

Pray from your heart. Pray for yourself and the people you love. Be rest assured, your prayers will be answered.

Spiritual Reading

To gain faith in God, you don’t need to only read religious books or scriptures.

You might want to read them. But even the stories of hope, the stories where good overpowers evil, the stories wherein the end, the protagonist wins can be helpful.

You can read about different philosophies. Get to know about different spiritual practices.

Become aware of different spiritual activities all around the world. There are many communities online you can connect with too.


Love is a powerful emotion. So fall in love. Love your family, your friends but most importantly love yourself. Most of the time, the anger towards yourself becomes the anger towards god.

So, be loving and kind to yourself.

The most important and long lasting relationship you can have is with yourself. So, make sure that relationship is positive. Love unconditionally, and find love in the act of kindness. This will restore your faith to god.

Every one breaks down time and again in their life. But getting up, brushing off the dust, looking up smiling and thanking God for giving you the courage can be the biggest act of faith. Keep doing that at every point of your life.

If you want our subliminal Stop Being Angry At God please do not hesitate to visit our product page.

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