My Published Articles

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Issue #29: Weathering the Storm

If there was ever a time to get past fears, phobias and confidence issues, this is the time. As jobs are being lost, the economy is shaky and the future is most uncertain, opportunities for personal growth and focus seem rare. Is there ever a convenient time to push yourself to the next level? Probably not. It is always a motivated decision to improve. Right now may be the best time for actually doing it, though. Like the old saying goes, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going," there will likely soon be a major shift with regard to who wins and survives the turmoil, and who loses. What will be your role in the upcoming years of evident difficulty? Today, the U.S. Postal service announced a pending…
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Issue #27: Making it Through Difficult Economic Times

     We're living in some interesting, challenging times indeed. Prices are out of control! As families and individuals, we need to adopt some of the downsizing and cost-cutting practices of the corporations we work (or used to work) for. For example, there are some new inexpensive prepaid cellphones available for those who spend too much on their airtime. We're driving less, of course, and changing our eating habits as well. It's too bad for the restaurant businesses, but we consumers have lots of choices that are critical to our financial survival these days.      If you don't keep a budget, and your credit cards are maxed out, cut up or burned up, it's time to start keeping track of those unnecessary expenditures. Is there a 99 Cent store…
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Issue #26: Practicing What We Preach

Welcome to the new Sprudio Newsletter format! See, we are flexible and open to new ways of presenting our motivational and promotional material. This month we have broken through into a new, more dynamic environment for the presentation of subsequent newsletters. We are keeping the original 25 newsletters for your convenience; plus, a special links page for them is under construction. Business is all right, we are very excited to get new customers (every week) who are really happy with our product -and we plan to keep expanding our positive message for everyone. We can do better, however; the costs of doing business and living are difficult and challenging. We are not raising our prices; instead, we are working hard to communicate the knowledge of our existence and dedication to…
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You’ll Never Know if you Don’t Try

Newsletter #19 is special- it contains a very specific description of the differences between hypnosis and self-help subliminal audio tracks & CD's, plus a few key reasons why you might want to try one of the above for self-improvement or performance enhancement- at work, or for your personal satisfaction. Remember, one of our most popular titles is "Success & Wealth" because mindset is everything when it comes to becoming financially successful. Our sister blog (to this one), listed in "Blogroll" to the left, contains a nice cross-section of the feedback we have received since opening our doors about two years ago- it's hard to keep up, we get so much excellent feedback from everyone, and we really appreciate it. On that particular weblog you can access feedback by month, in…
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Newsletter Archives

In the olden days, we used to add a new page for every newsletter. We saved all twenty-five (25) of those and linked them here so you can see the originals with all of their graphics, sounds, and even videos. At the bottom of each archived newsletter is a navigation bar to the other 24! Enjoy! Click Here
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[caption id="attachment_233" align="alignleft" width="150"][/caption] Welcome to the Sprudio Newsletter and Motivation Blog. Here is a summary of all Sprudio Newsletters, motivational articles, self-help resource anecdotes and more! Check the Blogroll for links to our feedback blog, located in as an alternate to this one. Feedback is over there, newsletters are here. Many of our clients have expressed an interest in reading about the experiences of others who have purchased Sprudio Subliminal Audio Matter. Of course you are welcome to submit your comments, as well. Our Blogroll category also contains links to several key pages within the Sprudio environment and other pages of interest to existing and potential customers! To access the original 25 Sprudio Newsletters, click on the "Archives" tab at the top of this page. This is…
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