Living Joyfully

Joy And Happiness
Joy And Happiness

Your heart holds wisdom and living by your heart feels good.

Let your heart rule your head, do something based on emotions rather than logic. Act according to what you feel. Do something because you want too rather than for practical reasons.

Joy is that great feeling of pleasure and happiness that we experienced when we were children. Somewhere along the way, we lost it. Now, as adults, if we do ever feel it, it is only for a short time.

You can cultivate joy by practicing meditation. Yoga and meditation emerged out of India in 1500 BC and is known as “nirvana.” In English, it means “enlightenment.” Even taking a few minutes to meditate in your life can make a great difference, cultivating a sense of spirit within us. What spirituality is, is essentially a means to align our body, mind, and spirit so that they work in tandem to create a sense of joy and pleasantness within us.

For a long time, if someone said meditation to me, I thought of sitting in a room by myself for 30” to 1 hour concentrating on my breathing or some object. I knew it would benefit me, but I could not seem to get into it. While I was researching this article, I started wondering how many ways are there do meditation? There is a big old world out there, and we are for dang sure not all alike.

“Thoughtless Awareness” is a meditation practice that I had never heard of before yet, it made the most sense to me because I already practiced it without realizing it. I love this simple explanation

It is not an act of doing- it is a state of awareness. We are either in this state or we are not, regardless of what we are doing in life.

You can meditate all the time while at work, or you can be sitting on top of a mountain in a lotus position meditating on top of a mountain. It turns out I meditate all the time. I can be washing the dishes and be at the beach too!

Meditation, the pearl of all spiritual practices, leads to serenity of your inner being and has also proven to maintain good health, love life and become your own best friend.

Take things into your hands

In the Hindu and Buddhist ways of life, the concept of karma denotes something similar. Karma is good and bad actions. Karma is the possibility that we can determine the course of our life. But, karma also gives us the possibility that we can create our destiny by our actions in the present.

Ultimately, joy and peace can find root within us only if we create the right conditions within. If we constantly cultivate negativity within, we will negatively experience life. For example, our ego often gets bruised when someone says something uncomplimentary about us, and this leads to unpleasant feelings, But, what is ego after all? It is just a certain identity or conditioning for the mind that we take on, for a social purpose. If we make our ego fluid, if we consciously make our identity malleable so that we can create the kind of identity necessary in a given situation, then constant pleasantness can become a possibility in our lives.

These are tough times and getting tougher. We all should know by now that stress may be the number one catalyst for bad health. But denial is not the answer. We need to understand more about the reality of our times to survive.

The trick is to do so while retaining a level of composure and compassionate detachment, not merely forced cold indifference. Through equanimity, the spark of joy can ignite happiness no matter what the environment is forcing on us.

True happiness comes from within, and there are stories of people in captivity under harsh conditions having an inward essence of serene freedom, even while others around them were suffering.

Hang with people who support you and make you laugh.

Hang with supportive people with whom you are comfortable and can share your views humorously even if only with Facebook. Ideally, that could involve at least some family; extended families survive better during hard times by sharing. It’s a tradition that has been ignored by the “upward mobile.”

Be compassionate to others. Help animals. Forgive, you don’t have to forget. Let grudges go. They hurt you more than the other person.

Practice staying in the present time

Stay in the now. The past is gone, and there is nothing you can do about it. Don’t worry about the future. It hasn’t happened yet. Stay in the present, and you will start to experience joy. Listen to good music. Use mantras. Admire the beauty around you. Take a walk in nature. Look at the sky, observe the trees. Watch the birds flying around and listen to them talk to each other.

Positive inner emotional states create increased harmony and balance to the nervous system. These positive states help to reduce stress on the heart and bodily organs which further promotes overall wellness. Heart rhythm coherence is where your body works in harmony is triggered by positive emotions such as love. Rhythm coherence has important implication for only emotional health and physical well being.

Scientific research now tells us that anger, anxiety and worry significantly increase the risk of heart disease, including sudden cardiac death.

Life is tough, always has been and always will be. Decide right here, right now, to find that profound peace and joy in your life and spread that love and happiness to others.

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