Stop Alcohol and Drug Abuse Now!

Stop Alcohol and Drug Abuse Now!

$10.99 MP3- $15.99 CD

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Become Sober

Get a sober lifestyle. Become alcohol and drug-free through the power of your mind. This subliminal will change your life forever. You can start your journey to getting sober with an instant download

Get a sober lifestyle. Become alcohol and drug-free through the power of your mind. This subliminal will change your life forever. You can start your journey to getting sober with an instant download for only $10.99

Quit Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol

Subliminal audio can be an effective tool to add to your arsenal in the fight against drug and alcohol abuse.

It helps you commit deeply to attaining your goals by planting positive seeds and watering them relentlessly by repetition.

You can easily say no when the desire is gone- from the subconscious as well as your conscious mind.

Twelve step programs are known to be effective; we definitely recommend one to anyone with a stubborn problem.

Use this subliminal track to get more sobriety chips, and be proud of your transformation.

If you are a victim of drug or alcohol abuse and you are also thinking to get help but have no power to start your journey to recovery, you come to the right place.

There is nothing magic in our subliminal products, but every decision we make comes from our brains.

If your brain is addicted you need to kick those habits and your subconscious is very powerful and might fight you on your sobriety.

You can not do it alone, and you need a special detoxification program, but to gain courage, we offer you a chance in this subliminal program.

Who knows, if you are a strong individual, you might kick the drinking and drug abuse habits by yourself. Let's give it a try. Read the affirmations, and click the buy button.

For your privacy and the person that will use this CD, we do not print the title of this CD, on the case or the CD. Feel safe to use it anytime, anywhere without fear that anyone will know what you are listening to. We wish you success!!!


Stop Drinking and Taking Drugs Affirmations

I can continue sobriety easily because I feel so much better. I have more fun now and I am deeply committed to remaining clean and free. I am on a mission to succeed with my sobriety. I can avoid unhealthy things. I deserve to win. I am more relaxed and happier all the time because of my new clean habits. It feels great to be calm and in control. I sleep better and I eat healthily. I always drink plenty of water. I like fruit and vegetables. I feel lighter and happier and I can stay clean easily. It is a relief to feel good all the time. I am free. I see myself clean and sober forever. Sober is me and I am sober. People like me and treat me better as a sober person. I stop wasting money on substances that make me high, I avoid people that are addicted. I create new friends. I am happy without drugs. I am high without drugs. I am self-confident without drugs. I feel free and happy. Drugs are a waste of money. I can control myself and my urges. I am self-confident that I will win my battles. My body is cleaning itself.

What You Will Receive

Purchasing MP3

  • Ocean Subliminal a track of 55-60 minutes
  • Silent Subliminal one track 55-60 Minutes

Purchasing CD

You will receive a CD with the track as following:

  • Ocean Subliminal CD- One Ocean Track 55-60 minutes and one bonus Track Silent Subliminal 10 Minutes
  • Silent Subliminal CD- OneSilent Track 55-60 minutes

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