Speak Like a Brit

Speak Like a Brit Subliminal

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Speak Like a True Brit

Improve your English accent with subliminal and speak like a Londoner, speak like a true Brit,sound exactly like in England.

Improve your English accent and speak like a Londoner. Speak like a native Brit. Sound exactly like you’ve lived your entire life in England!

Honestly, who doesn’t love that attractive British accent that chimes in the most charming way all around the world? Here are just a few out of the many reasons why the British accent is so popular:

It’s nostalgic and reminds you of many different eras throughout time

It’s incredibly charming and attractive to hear from a male or female voice

It’s one of those accents in language that is mild and cheerful at the same time

It sounds elegant with bearable tones and pitches

What are YOU wanting to develop your British accent for?


Lingering accent from when you used to live in the UK?

Practicing linguistics of speaking and hearing it?

Whatever you reason may be to improve your British accent, this program provides subliminal messages and lessons to help you focus more on the task at hand of developing your British accent rather than thinking so much of the rhythmic qualities of language. The goal is to have you naturally let the accent flow from you without force or struggle. Our program will help you learn the key notes of a true British accent that you will be so proud to be able to express and have others believe you’re a natural!

An attractive British accent has its own charm. The smooth stylish accent with the amazing diction of English, the British accent is the ultimate proof of elegance and sophistication. And if you are not a native of England, then it is surely more charming to you. However, if you are trying to master the accent and yet failing to do so, subliminal messages can help you with that.

  • When you watch something on-screen and swoon over the Brit accent, do you feel like if only you could talk like a native British?
  • Are you an American or from some other country on the globe and yet you want to cling to the sophisticated charm of a British accent?
  • Are you practicing your accent day and night and yet you could not master it?
  • Are you already taking courses or following audiovisual resources to develop a charming accent like the British and yet success is nowhere to be seen?

If your answer is yes to these questions, then you are in the right place. You need to change your mind and its programming in order to master the British accent. And subliminal messages can help you with that. Take a look at the following points to know more.

How Subliminal Messages Can Help You Improve Your British Accent

You have always believed that only people born in London or England can speak in a classy Brit accent. But now it is time for a change. You need to believe that anything is possible. No matter where you are born and brought up, if you decide to pick a particular language, you can do that easily. When you are listening to subliminal messages, your mind starts believing in all the enormous possibilities that are there.

Often, speaking in a new accent becomes difficult because your mind dwells on the negatives in your mind. However, the negative thoughts remain in the conscious level of the mind while the subliminal messages can cross this barrier of negative thoughts and reach the subconscious mind. It changes the programming there which makes you believe that you can.

Subliminal messages come with hundreds of positive affirmations that help in rewiring the mind with potentially new information.

Instead of all negative thoughts, you start believing in the positive ones, and that eventually helps you convince yourself about how great you can speak in native British accent.

You will start affirming that speaking in a British accent comes naturally to you. It is how you can think and speak without any effort, just so naturally.

Subliminal messages can keep you focused for a long time. You can easily keep trying and persist with it when you are regularly listening to subliminal messages. There won’t be anything that can sidetrack you from your efforts.

Subliminal messages boost your willpower. That is why even if you fail to master the accent in your first few attempts, you will not lose hope. You will be able to carry on until you actually become better.

So, now as you know how subliminal messages can help you become a pro in speaking English in a British accent, what are you waiting for? Place your order for subliminal MP3s and CDs today.

By listening to our subliminal accent tips, everything that you use to develop an accent becomes easier to access in your memory and you will have a more natural British accent that flows freely from your voice vs. something that sounds too rigid. The goal is to have you sound like you are a truly natural Brit!

Speak like a Brit Affirmations

I am sounding more and more like a native Brit. I think like one. My words are coming easily to me. I am paying attention to English speakers and I easily catch their accent. I Pronounce the suffix -ing with a strong G. I say, “Where have you BEAN?” I Observe that some words are pronounced as written. I Keep practicing to improve my accent. I think in a British accent often, so it comes more naturally. I Watch lots of British entertainment and listen closely. I Practice everyday by reading aloud in a British accent. I Pronounce everything clearly and articulate every word properly, making sure there are spaces between my words. I am getting better and better at speaking with an English accent. I am confident about my English accent. People believe that I am from England. I learn easily the English accent. When I speak I sound like a native Londoner. I am learning fast. I retain my accent and I remember to always speak in English accent. My brain is like a sponge. When I hear someone from England speaking I can match each accent style. I am easily trained in my England Accent. I can talk for hours in my adopted accent. Speaking like a Londoner is easy for me.

What You Will Receive

Purchasing MP3

  • Ocean Subliminal a track of 55-60 minutes
  • Silent Subliminal one track 55-60 Minutes

Purchasing CD

You will receive a CD with the track as following:

Music Subliminal CD: Includes one music track and one track approximately 10-12 Minutes Silent Subliminal (bonus).

Music Track No. 1 -60 Minutes

  • Ocean Subliminal CD- One Ocean Track 55-60 minutes and one bonus Track Silent Subliminal 10 Minutes
  • Silent Subliminal CD- OneSilent Track 55-60 minutes

2 Reviews for Speak Like a true Brit Subliminal


Jordan - October 22, 2018:

I am not a native English speaker but I am getting better every day. Together with exercises to speak correctly English and this subliminal I am having real progress.

Jenny - March 11, 2022:

Just Great. Thank you.

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