Fear of Roller Coasters Subliminal Messages Cd's/MP3s

Stop Fear of Roller Coasters

$10.99 MP3- $15.99 CD

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Roller Coaster Phobia

Everyone need to live a little and act childish. Affirmations : I am eager to participate in amusement rides.

Everyone probably harbors at least some fear of scary rides at the carnival. After all, that’s part of the reason they are fun! It’s the danger!

But some of us are unable to enjoy these rides like others because we have allowed our fear to grow and take our enjoyment away.

We have to have trust in many situations; the roller coaster is a fine example. Let go of your wariness for a few minutes and let the wind and the speed whisk you away!

Relax. Thousands of people are riding the thing, somewhere, this minute.

And they are all ok. If you are too anxious about riding a roller coaster or similar amusement park ride, try this subliminal recording a few times a day for a while before going.

The key is to remain relaxed, up to and including the point of being strapped in! Have fun!

Ask yourself This:

  • How many people before me enjoyed the ride ?
  • Am I different then other people that ride the roller coaster ?
  • Do I want to go through life without knowing how is to ride the roller coaster?

-If the answer to any one of these questions was “Yes” then our subliminal for getting rid of fear of riding in roller coasters is the perfect choice for you.  Everyone need to live a little and act childish.

Subliminal messages are stimuli that are presented below the threshold of conscious awareness, and their ability to influence behavior or emotional responses .

Phobias are complex anxiety disorders that often require specialized therapeutic approaches for effective treatment. The most commonly recommended and evidence-based treatments for phobias include:

  1. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT is a well-established form of psychotherapy that focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors associated with the phobia. It often involves exposure therapy, where individuals are gradually exposed to the feared object or situation in a controlled manner.

  2. Systematic Desensitization: This is a type of exposure therapy that involves gradually and systematically exposing the person to the feared situation while teaching relaxation techniques to manage anxiety.

  3. Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET): In VRET, the person is exposed to virtual simulations of the feared situation, allowing them to experience a sense of presence and practice coping skills in a controlled environment.

  4. Medication: In some cases, doctors may prescribe anti-anxiety medications to help manage the symptoms of the phobia temporarily.

If you or someone you know is struggling with roller coaster phobia or any other phobia, it's essential to seek help from a qualified mental health professional. They can conduct a thorough assessment and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan based on individual needs and circumstances. Remember that seeking professional help is the best way to address phobias effectively and safely.

Roller Coaster Phobia Affirmations

I am eager to participate in amusement rides. Amusement parks are safe. Roller coasters and other rides are engineered for my safety. Professionals care about my safety and my enjoyment of the ride. It feels great to go on exciting rides. All of the rides are safe.I am learning to relax more. I like being relaxed and calm. I like to have fun. More and more, I can trust professionals with my safety. It feels good to trust and be rewarded for trusting. I feel more and more trusting every time I play this recording. I am enjoying life. I like to do fun things that can simulate danger. I understand about the illusion of danger. I welcome the experience that others have designed for my excitement. I appreciate the fun in doing exciting things. I want to experience many things. I am confident and relaxed. My new trust and calm are very rewarding. I can assess each situation with logic and my goal is to enjoy the physical experiences of my life. Being in roller coaster is fun and exciting. I enjoy the adrenaline rushing throughout my body. I am confident and feel safe. I am strapped on my chair and enjoy the ride. I like to scream with others and let my body enjoy the feeling of falling. I am aware how safe I am riding roller coaster. I like to be childish and see the world from top of the roller coaster. When roller coaster is in free fall I know is just an illusion. I am safe at all times.

What You Will Receive

Purchasing MP3

  • Ocean Subliminal a track of 55-60 minutes
  • Silent Subliminal one track 55-60 Minutes

Purchasing CD

You will receive a CD with the track as following:

Music Subliminal CD (tw0 tracks)

Music Track No. 1 -29 Minutes

Music Track No. 2 -32 Minutes

  • Ocean Subliminal CD- One Ocean Track 55-60 minutes and one bonus Track Silent Subliminal 10 Minutes
  • Silent Subliminal CD- OneSilent Track 55-60 minutes

2 Reviews for Overcome Fear of Roller Coasters Subliminal


Susan - December 22, 2021:

If you ever wonder - what will it take to become confident, to feel equal to others, and don't be intimidated? Sprudio Overcome Fear of Roller Coasters Subliminal literally changed my life.

John - March 11, 2022:

This is the best subliminal that I ever used. I am such a confident person today because your subliminal. I think your subliminal Overcome Fear of Roller Coasters should be in every computer on Earth. It is the most amazing subliminal I ever used, I am a new person.

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