Aura Viewing Subliminal

Aura Viewing Subliminal Subliminal

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Aura Viewing Subliminal

This subliminal will help you see Aura and also help you improve your powers if you already have those powers. Some people are blessed to seeing aura some learn how to see it.

Some people claim the ability to see human auras, while others would surely like to. If you believe auras exist, are visible to some, and reveal a person’s private nature -and you would like to participate, this subliminal recording could help you get there by talking directly to your subconscious mind.

If anyone can see auras, surely the subconscious can. It will require focus and interest, this product will help you to develop those.

Play it every day and start feeling the changes!

Subliminal is subjective- it can not change what is not there. if you are unfortunately a non gifted one you might not have a chance to see others people aura but you will develop better  understandings of human spirit.

There are many who claim to see the human aura and there are many who want to. When you are mingling with people, don’t you think it will be much more convenient if you get to know how they are as a person?

It is often said that human beings have an aura which exudes from them, showing how they are. And if you want to see that aura, you have to be exceptionally perceptive to see that. You have to open your senses and become more intuitive so that you can see the aura you are looking for.

Learning to see the aura of other human being is actually an extension of senses. Have you ever experienced some tension in a space? For example, you have entered a room and could immediately experience the mood and the energy in the room.

It can be a tension of any kind, anger, sexual or competitive. If you are able to decipher such energy, then this is the first step that can hold promise for you. Yes, you might have the power to enhance your ability to see the aura of people.

If you are thinking that it is a natural ability that people are generally born with, then you are wrong. Every person can be perceptive. All you have to do is enhance the ability that you already possess. With regular practice, you can learn to do the same. This is where subliminal messages can be actually really helpful for you. How? Take a look at the following points to know more.

How Subliminal Messages Can Help You in Developing the Ability to See the Aura

We limit our perception to things that we believe we can do. This way, we actually compromise with a lot of abilities that we already have. So, when you are having limited beliefs about your perception, you will never be able to see what you want to see. That is the reason why you need to listen to subliminal every day. This will reprogram your mind so that you can think beyond the limiting ideas you have already. And instead, you can think of enhancing your perception to see the aura.

With enhanced intuition, you will be able to judge people more efficiently. This way you can understand which person exudes what kind of energy. And thus you will be enabled to see the aura that defines them.

While you are looking for ways to see the aura of others, the aim is surely to stay away from all sorts of negative people and influences. So, when you are thinking of enhancing the intuitive power, listening to subliminal regularly will enable you to keep the negative people and influences away.

It will be really good when you are mingling with someone new to see their emotional and physical health, even before they manifest. So, when you are listening to the thousands of affirmation daily and becoming aware of all the ability you have to see the aura, you will become able to perceive their well being too.

So, now as you know how you can see an aura with the help of subliminal MP3s and CDs, what are you waiting for? Place your order now.

Affirmations for Aura Viewing Subliminal

I can see the human aura. I can see auras in any being. I can feel an aura. I am allowing myself to perceive the aura. I am sensitive to energy fields. I am receptive to auras. I have the power to see people’s auras. My mind is receptive to the universe. I receive energy from the universe. I can see the colors of auras. I understand auras. I am in equilibrium with the universe. I practice seeing auras. I like to read about auras and chakras. I always look for aura viewing opportunities. I can see my own aura in a mirror. I am learning to read auras. It is exciting to see the aura. I am always developing my aura seeing and reading skills.My aura is a radiant expression of my unique energy and personality. I have the ability to perceive and understand the colors and patterns of auras. I am open and receptive to the subtle energies and vibrations around me. I trust my intuition and instincts when viewing auras. Each aura I encounter reveals valuable insights and information. I embrace the beauty and diversity of auras, recognizing that each one is special in its own way. My aura viewing skills are constantly improving, and I am becoming more attuned to the subtle nuances within auras. I am grateful for the opportunity to witness the energy fields that surround all living beings. I approach aura viewing with curiosity, wonder, and a non-judgmental mindset. As I view auras, I send positive intentions and healing energy to support and uplift those I encounter. Aura viewing enhances my spiritual growth and deepens my connection with others. I am capable of accurately interpreting and understanding the messages conveyed through auras. The more I practice and engage with aura viewing, the clearer and more vivid the colors and patterns become. I am a skilled observer, able to detect even the subtlest shifts and changes within auras. Aura viewing brings me joy, peace, and a greater appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things.

What You Will Receive

Purchasing MP3

  • Ocean Subliminal a track of 55-60 minutes
  • Silent Subliminal one track 55-60 Minutes

Purchasing CD

You will receive a CD with the track as following:

Music Subliminal CD: Includes one music track and one track approximately 10-12 Minutes Silent Subliminal (bonus).

Music Track 41 Minutes

This sample DOES NOT contain Subliminal

  • Ocean Subliminal CD- One Ocean Track 55-60 minutes and one bonus Track Silent Subliminal 10 Minutes
  • Silent Subliminal CD- OneSilent Track 55-60 minutes

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