Get Out Of An Abusive Relationship

Get Out Of An Abusive Relationship Subliminal

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Are you stuck in an abusive relationship?

Are you afraid that an abuser might abuse you even more if you tell him "Enough"? Stop being in an abusive relationship, get out of it, with subliminal messages Mp3 from $9.97

Leave Emotional Abuse Behind

A loving relationship lets you usher into a better tomorrow. But the same relationship puts you under severe stress when it turns abusive.

The worst thing is that it is not easy to come out of an abusive relationship as you live every moment in fear and the dilemma of whether to be or not to be is heart-wrenching.

Well, you are not alone. There are hundreds of women and men, battered by their partners or other people.

You may wake up every day thinking “Why can’t I just leave everything behind and escape?

Does your partner force you into a sexual relationship and torture you to agree to his/her whims?

Are you in a live-in relationship but your otherwise cheerful partner turns abusive without any rhyme or reason?

Do you have parents that are abusive and narcissistic, thinking only at themselves, and blackmailing you emotionally?

Do you have an ex husband that threatens to take your kids away if you are not submissive to their unfair demands. Not everything is about sex, sometimes is just a mental torture.

Have you been living with your relatives and one of your male/female cousins disturb you in bad sexual tones and threatens to expose you if you complain and you have nowhere to go?

Several hundreds of men and women suffer at the hands of their partners or people they live with. The situation is no different in the workplace.

Your boss may hang on to you for entering into a sexual relationship when you talk to him/her about promotion after years of serving the organization. What is even more intriguing is that abuses are not uncommon between people of the same sex.

Students of the high school abuse their juniors of the same sex and destroy their careers. No matter how much one tries to come out of an abusive relationship, fear factors prevail.

You might have fear of being stopped in the middle of an unknown place for being harmed or getting telephone calls at odd hours of the night.

Stand up to a Narcisistic Abuser.

Get help with subliminal messages

For people in abusive relationships, no amount of good words are comforting.

The sermons coming from different quarters are good for relief but only temporarily. Well, gone are the days of being in a claustrophobic situation.

Do not blame yourself for anything or anyone. Trust the power of subliminal messages and stop being stuck around with confusion, uncertainty, and fear.

Tune into the subliminal messages and let them be the stimulus to your hard times. These messages stimulate your brain subliminally and bring changes to your thoughts and behavior.

The subliminal messages bring positive affirmations and motivate you endlessly.

The music and messages create a positive effect on your stress levels and lower the cortisol levels and eventually the stress levels.

Subliminal messages use binaural beats wherein dual tones of music create different frequencies, one each year.

The messages comfort your brain and you will eventually realize that you are in no way responsible for the abusive behavior of your partner and deserve to be treated respectfully.

If you have kids, remember to make them feel safe and secure if your partner throws abuse regularly.

When you listen to subliminal messages and music regularly, you will feel that you are not alone and need to get help and take the right step to come out of the abusive relationship.

Nothing is more precious than your life and people are waiting to help. If you are looking forward to a safe and happy life, and need subliminal messages to penetrate your brain, order MP3 and CDs to find solutions quickly.

Disclaimer: If the abuser is dangerous, and your life or your kid life is in danger– please go seek help. We do not take any responsibility for your actions. This subliminal is intended to help you become positive about yourself, and to make you understand that you can survive on your own, if you are determined, over 18 years old, and have an understanding on life.

Affirmations for Get Out Of An Abusive Relationship

I am finally free. I have the power to get out from an abusive relationship. I reject any abusive behavior. I stand up to any abuser. I am in control of my life. I stand up to any verbal abuse. I break out from any abusive relationship. I detach from any abusive behavior. I have the power to stand up to anyone that blackmails me emotionally. I have a strong and powerful will. I avoid taking abuse. When I sense an abusive behavior I detach and get away from it. I stand up for myself in any situation. I avoid giving up to empty threats. I avoid narcissistic people. I recognize narcissistic behavior and I avoid it. I know my life is more important than anyone else’s. Any person that emotionally blackmails me is out of my life. I find solutions to break up from abusive relationship. I speak my mind.  I defend and protect my life and the ones that depend on me, from any abuser. I reject any verbal abuse from anyone. I am relentless in obtaining my freedom from any abuser. I get out, from this abusive relationship right now. I recognize empty promises. Every time the abuser tries to control my life will be stopped by me. I know freedom is much better than any abuse. I know I can succeed in life despite abusers threats. I deserve happiness and I am seeking it. I create a plan to get away from my abuser. I seek help to get away from abuser. I know that my life is better far away from an abuser. Any threats an abuser makes falls on deaf ears. I communicate my feelings. I make my voice heard. I take care of my mental health. I know the right choice is to reject the abuser and their words. I am worthy in my own eyes. I am brave and ready to fight for my freedom. Every day I am getting stronger. I can survive anything life throws at me. I am invincible to emotional blackmail. I set boundaries and lead a happy life. I squish the controllers of my life, and take away everything they loved. I am worth and I voice it. I will always put myself first. Any tears or begging falls on deaf ears.

What You Will Receive

Purchasing MP3

  • Ocean Subliminal a track of 55-60 minutes
  • Silent Subliminal one track 55-60 Minutes

Purchasing CD

You will receive a CD with the track as following:

Music Subliminal CD: Includes one music track and one track approximately 10-12 Minutes Silent Subliminal (bonus).

Music Track 41 Minutes

This sample DOES NOT contain Subliminal

  • Ocean Subliminal CD- One Ocean Track 55-60 minutes and one bonus Track Silent Subliminal 10 Minutes
  • Silent Subliminal CD- OneSilent Track 55-60 minutes

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