Trust Yourself and Act for Success

"Who Moved My Cheese?" (Johnson, 1998) is a widely known motivational work written in a cute parable style. The writer is also known for co-authoring "The One Minute Manager" series. The books contain some good ideas about flexibility and motivation; however, "Cheese" is more of a managerial tool to keep employees scurrying around in the same old maze than a self-growth tool. If you're unfamiliar with it, find a synopsis here! I prefer the wit and philosophy of Ross Shafer (Nobody Moved Your Cheese, 2006), who takes a much more proactive stance in his motivational material. While blasting a number of known 'motivation experts' such as Anthony Robbins (and Dr. Laura), he has become one himself-  a really good one! Mr. Shafer understands that people are fed up with mediocre…
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