Change is Difficult, Not Impossible

Change is Difficult, Not Impossible

You can and want to change, consciously, and give it your best try. It can be very difficult if deep inside, you really don't have the desire. For example, quitting smoking has been known to be the hardest thing a person can ever do. But we all know someone who did it, cold turkey, without looking back or going through the agony that most people do when the 'try' to stop smoking. Here's the difference between that successful person and most others: They made up their mind, totally. We all know that this is a true characteristic of the human mind and how powerful it is. In practice, however, it is not so easy to make up your mind about some particular habit or change. We have to pound the…
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Best subliminal, best custom, service, who sells you subliminal

Best subliminal, best custom, service, who sells you subliminal

Best subliminal? Best custom service? Who sells to you subliminal? Be careful about downloading free subliminal from websites that are not maintained. [caption id="attachment_338" align="alignleft" width="466"] Sprudio Subliminal Real Subliminal, Professional and Genuine[/caption] Just what is the limit for a subliminal? Is it limited to making you feel happy or more fulfilled? In most cases, that would be true but the exemplary custom subliminal services we offer, the sheer possibilities subliminal go beyond the boundary enabling you to accomplish or feel things you never thought you could. Subliminal messages are a powerful method to tap into your subconscious to develop a powerful change in your psyche that enables you to do feel and do things you could never have imagined. But subliminal bought off the shelf or ordered online may…
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Trust Yourself and Act for Success

"Who Moved My Cheese?" (Johnson, 1998) is a widely known motivational work written in a cute parable style. The writer is also known for co-authoring "The One Minute Manager" series. The books contain some good ideas about flexibility and motivation; however, "Cheese" is more of a managerial tool to keep employees scurrying around in the same old maze than a self-growth tool. If you're unfamiliar with it, find a synopsis here! I prefer the wit and philosophy of Ross Shafer (Nobody Moved Your Cheese, 2006), who takes a much more proactive stance in his motivational material. While blasting a number of known 'motivation experts' such as Anthony Robbins (and Dr. Laura), he has become one himself-  a really good one! Mr. Shafer understands that people are fed up with mediocre…
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