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Don’t be satisfied with mediocrity; instead, push yourself to a higher standard and ultimately this stubbornness can translate into success.
In fact, accomplishment is much more satisfying than luck!
Look forward to being proud of meeting your goals while struggling through the difficult stages of your plan – this type of pride (not the boastful flavor) is not sinful at all.
Not everyone is blessed with great guidance (or wealth) throughout youth, but it’s feasible and admirable to rise to higher levels on one’s own.

How many times have you heard the phrase “it all depends on how you look at it” and thought how true that statement really is?
We’ve all heard the following mantra in various forms countless times as well: “You need to see yourself winning before it can happen.” What separates winning from losing is often fear, a very powerful deterrent to success and winning.
If you can squash those doubts when (or before) they materialize, your chances of choking are likely to fall dramatically!

Further, if you lack a naturally confident personality, fake it; act confident on the outside and even make this into a habit.
Soon you might be surprised that this has turned from an act into a characteristic!
Don’t let small failures stop you from your quest, either. Like any good salesman, look at disappointments as unavoidable steps toward the next sale or level of success.
Winners know that it’s not productive to dwell on spilled milk or water under the bridge (history can’t be undone anyway). Instead, beat the doubt factor down by focusing forward with optimism -even if it doesn’t always feel completely real.

Sure, this is another harp about positive thinking, visualization, and motivation. We need to be reminded often because for some of us it just doesn’t come so naturally.
Remember, if it weren’t for the lows, the highs would be meaningless – so let’s keep those negatives in perspective and make them more insignificant with intention. Create good luck!




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