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Why Self-Help Audio?

"What is subliminal audio and how could it possibly help me?" Just in case you don't have any experience with subliminal audio or never really considered using it, here's a quick explanation. Maybe you know someone who could benefit from this tool, as well. Plus, you might not be aware of fairly recent advances in subliminal audio technology.

It is well known that we humans can hear much better than we believe we can; the subconscious mind picks up sounds (and spoken words) that we are not consciously aware of. We absorb a tremendous amount of input (information) during the waking day, things we are aware of - and many that we are not. Our eyes and ears are blasted with images and sounds from television, radio, people talking to us and others, and of course our personal experiences and thoughts add greatly to this barrage. Add emotional trauma and stress into the mix and we really have our work cut out for us! We have to filter out the garbage when we sleep. Our highly efficient brains throw most of it out, of course, but a lot makes it into the subconscious' long- and short-term memory.

So sleep is that critical? Yes, it really is. But what are the chances that evolution has caught up with the technology of the last hundred years? The information age has placed us in quite a predicament; we process thousands of times the amount of data that we used to, and on less sleep. The result is that we have new types of problems. For example, consider the present state of prescription drug intake - for hundreds of disorders! Obesity is at an all time high, insomnia is rampant and we're hearing more and more about bipolar syndrome, chemical imbalance, dysfunctionalities, stress management, depression, short attention spans, and basically just too many other issues to list here. We want to work hard and play hard, but we can only take so much - we weren't really designed to keep up this pace. Something has to bust, so to speak.

Drugs are not the answer. Not until they can create them without side effects, anyway, which is a pipe dream at this point in time. You've seen the designer drug commercials, aren't they special? Our bodies (and our livers) are tough, but evidently not tough enough to handle present-day city life for a long time. And you don't have to live in a big city to experience the overload - cable TV and the internet provide plenty of it, anywhere. Commercialism doesn't help much, either. I really need to see that double bacon cheeseburger at 11:45 PM. What is the answer? It's discipline, good habits and plenty of great sleep. Easier said than done, but that doesn't make it less true.

Self-help audio is a tool that we can use to relax, sleep better, or target behaviors and habits that we might not even fully understand. It's not actually possible or necessary to understand all of the underlying reasons for something in order to change it. So to answer the question up at the top in big bold letters, the reason we might try subliminal or hypnosis audio is to help us change once we have identified or defined a difficult goal. Subliminal is easiest; just plug'n'play and let your subconscious mind handle the details. You can even choose silent subliminal and use your own choice of music, and the new downloads only cost seven bucks! Ours do, anyhow. Hundreds of our customers have claimed great results in sleep, habit change and performance in a wide variety of subjects such as sports, studying and work. Sure, we are aware of all the other self help products out there for financial success, losing weight, quitting smoking, programming yourself for a multitude of behaviors, and more - some of them are probably very effective. Others, like motivation packages and seminars are very expensive as well. We're just glad to have been able to help so many people get real results in a huge array of subjects with our audio.

The new digitally mixed subliminal audio is quite different from the older tapes that simply used music and volume levels to mask subliminal suggestions and affirmations. We use oscillating frequencies to produce binaural beats, which cause a higher level of brainwave entrainment (achievement of suggestible states of mind). Actual verbal content has evolved, too. For instance we now know that that the subconscious ignores certain modifiers, particularly negatives. And let's not forget about silent subliminal technology, which is fairly new and still rare. At the end of the day, though, it is the amazingly capable human brain that accomplishes every goal. When you initialize a desire and follow up with some type of action, consciously and repeatedly, you stand a much better chance of success. This is what self help audio helps you do; it keeps you on track, repeats positive affirmations and suggestions directly into the subconscious and helps you to relax and sleep better. Here in our studio we could not imagine a more interesting or rewarding product.

So long for now, keep fighting the good fight and try to get some sleep! Wait, strike that - don't just try. Deep sleep and dreams are better than a ton of Prozac, Xanax and diet pills. Our bodies use sleep and dreams to vent the frustrations and overload we get in everyday life. This is the brain's (and the body's) way of treating root causes rather than symptoms, a claim that few medications can ever make. We continue creating new titles; to date, we seem to have built a collection that has a little something for anyone, if he or she so chooses to talk directly to their own subconscious - in its own language.



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