Global Stress, Corruption, Economies

Just at a time when most smokers are smoking more, it might be the best time to quit, ever. Instead of funding the things you did not create, or necessarily agree with, say NO to the extravagant taxes you are being bilked out of! Plus, the temptation to eat more or go shopping could be very powerful these days. We have a tendency to indulge in our more unproductive habits when stress levels rise, but these are the very things that we should avoid. Each of us would do well to become more disciplined, in control and autonomous (not a slave to our habits); with a little focused effort, we can learn to relax and find our center. A great goal might be to reject external pressures and stress, instead…
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Make it Fine in OH NINE

     It's that time again, the cycle continues. The holidays are over; except for The Superbowl, of course, and we can't really cut down on anything before that. Or can we? It depends on how you look at it, doesn't it? Why not make up your mind to change a few habits today or tomorrow? Eating habits, smoking, drinking, any of the usual vices we tend to tackle this time of year are fair game now!      Let's see, what else is there? Oh yeah, spending, budget, catching up on the To Do List, saving, learning, reading, practicing your music skills, fixing the plumbing, oil changes, maintenance, cleaning house or seeing your dentist. In a word, motivation! Any time is a good time to plan and act, but the beginning of…
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