Another Difficult Year Bites Dust


2013 has been a hard year to handle for too many of us. In addition to sickness, tragedy and conflict, we regularly saw unbelievable corruption, bad politics and unfairness. Basically it was a normal year. While many young people entering adult society learned some tough lessons about reality, some of them found out how positive thinking and self confidence can greatly improve one’s total experience! And as surely as 2014 will be difficult for many, more people will discover that they need to be proactive in order to succeed at anything; be it in habit improvement, physical health or financial survival. Now let us leave the year and all of its challenges behind, and move forward with deliberate intentions of success for next year.

We can do better in 2014 (or any new year) by considering the Nine (9) Sprudio Principles for Success. We have developed these over time, as a filter to use when we compose custom or new subliminal tracks for our customers. Here is a snapshot, we created a handy summary of them.


Number One: Keep your thinking positive and critical. Have a plan and tweak it continually. Write it down. Keep a journal or calendar. Know when self help is inappropriate. Delegate! And, you deserve success.

Number Two: Stay within your means. Don’t bite off more than you can chew, avoid information- and sensory-overload. Work on organizing your environment and focusing on your goals. Don’t get sidetracked for long, or it becomes harder to advance toward said goals. Lose negative associations. Do replace them with positive ones. This may require a little tough examining.

Number  Three: Most of us tend to neglect self-promotion. We were taught not to boast, but we carry this over a little too far and forget to sell ourselves effectively. Stop it! Plus, remember that one period of sacrifice pays off handsomely in many ways. For example, if you have a new job, sacrifice some of your comfort and work extra hard to establish a good reputation. This can work in an old job, too. It is possible to change your reputation at work in a positive way. Sacrificing comfort for a period can also be effective with regard to quitting an undesired habit such as overeating, smoking, or drinking too much alcohol. Sacrifice in spending can set you free in the long run. You get the idea.

Number Four: Change is difficult, but constant. Embrace it and work on flexibility skills. Motivation is easy when new, but it can be very hard to maintain over time. Remember your goals and dreams. Work to develop and reinforce critical thinking habits. We understand that there are bad days and that they can bring along a tendency to relapse or give up on a difficult goal. Don’t do it! Tomorrow is a new day.

Number Five: Sensory input quality is closely related to performance (output). The stimuli we subject ourselves to is important. We function so much better when we feel good! So take an active role in choosing what you experience in the way of music (keep it positive), movies, games and more. Also this principle includes quantity and quality of sleep being essential for every person. It’s important to sleep in silence or maybe a chosen recording (or positive music). It is not productive to fall asleep with the TV on. Your brain is always working. The subconscious might not react in a desirable way.

Number Six: The power of habit is very strong. Nobody should doubt this. First we make our habits, and then they make us. To change or eliminate a habit, visualize the desired condition. Imagine it in great detail if possible. Expect to attain your goal. Really expect it! But make your goal possible and consider all the challenges. See yourself free of a bad habit, free forever. And see yourself happy and successful. Think often of your imagined, desired reality. Flesh it out on paper as well!

Number Seven is The Painting Analogy: All the real work takes place in the preparation stages of most difficult and/or complex tasks. Actual painting can be fun, rewarding. Break work up into manageable parts. This model may be applied to any project, plan or task! For those who have never painted a room, a bunch of rooms or a house, consider what needs to happen before any actual laying on of paint… Furniture needs moving. Walls need cleaning. Paint needs mixing. Brushes, rollers, tools and tape need to be managed efficiently. The easiest part of a painting job could very well be the actual painting. And it is also the most rewarding. We can extend the painting analogy to any number of projects, plans or tasks to make them easier- work smarter, not harder!

Number Eight: The human subconscious is very powerful. And each of us can use this fact to our own advantage; for instance we can learn to listen to what this ultra-perceptive subconscious mind is observing. It’s worth a try. At the very least, we begin to understand how our thinking affects our experience, performance and success. And as humans, we have the power to control and change our thinking. Because we all know that once we make up our mind about something, it is basically a done deal!

Number Nine: Our ninth and final principle for success deals with physical health, for receptivity and overall performance. Sleep, nutrition, exercise, putting it all together. The whole person functioning optimally. Eating (and other) habits can be very difficult to change for long periods. Each of us is ultimately our own trainer, our own boss when it comes to personal habits. Principle Five is about mental well-being, and this one, Nine, has to do with the physical. To give yourself the best chance at success in anything, start taking better care of your body! It is a big part of you (chuckle). And there is usually room for improvement in this area.

Good luck with all your projects and desires in 2014. Remember, if you need a change in thinking or behavior to get closer to your goals, consider using subliminal audio to get the job done. And remember too, that Sprudio Subliminal produces the most effective subliminal recordings on Earth. Our customer service and commitment to quality are second to none. We offer Silent Subliminal tracks, and custom scripts, as well! We can help compose a custom subliminal recording for you, or you can author it yourself. May the Law of Attraction smile upon you. Happy New Year! Share this with your friends too!

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