Law of Attraction: It’s All About Thinking

Outside the Box
Welcome to our new section called "Outside the Box." Since the expression is way overused, like "awesome," subjects found here must be truly worthy of inclusion, a sort of Hall of Fame for unusual concepts. So we're kicking it off with a biggie- The Law of Attraction. One of our popular subliminal audio titles is Mind Power Seduction: The Law of Attraction. It is not really about physical seduction, although that is apparently the motive for many. If you have never read about The Law of Attraction, you're in for a treat! It reads like science fiction, but with a twist- it might be completely true! In fact, the arguments against this Law of Attraction theory seem a little weak and disparate; biased, if you will, while the theory itself…
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Another Difficult Year Bites Dust

2013 has been a hard year to handle for too many of us. In addition to sickness, tragedy and conflict, we regularly saw unbelievable corruption, bad politics and unfairness. Basically it was a normal year. While many young people entering adult society learned some tough lessons about reality, some of them found out how positive thinking and self confidence can greatly improve one’s total experience! And as surely as 2014 will be difficult for many, more people will discover that they need to be proactive in order to succeed at anything; be it in habit improvement, physical health or financial survival. Now let us leave the year and all of its challenges behind, and move forward with deliberate intentions of success for next year. We can do better in 2014…
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Philosophy of a Diet

Philosophy of a Diet

Many of us periodically get sucked into eating patterns that add unwanted weight. We were never comfortable or really satisfied on that last diet. We were hungry. The diet became a waiting game, a longing for those "Give yourself a treat" moments. And food remained solidly in place as our go-to, feel-good answer to a bad day. We propose that the success or failure of any diet depends mainly upon our thinking, and therefore results can be credited directly to the subconscious mind. And time is on the side of failure (as are the sensual qualities of food itself)! It can seem quite impossible to change your thinking about food at a deep enough level for it to stick. The ways in which we people compose our diets are often…
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